The project's unique UUID. To create a new project or fetch an existing project, use the create_project or load_project functions.
viewer: AtlasViewerAn AtlasDataset object.
_attrAccess role of user for this project
Atlas Indices
All Atlas Indices built overtop of this project.
connector_Connector Details
The connector details for this project
Creation Params
Id Format: uuid
connector_Connector Name
The connector name used to create this project
Created Timestamp Format: date-time
The timestamp this project was created.
The user id who created this project.
Creator Nickname
The creator nickname
Creator Picture
The creator picture
A description for this project.
Id Format: uuid
Project ID
Insert Update Delete Lock
Whether the project is locked for CRUD operations.
Is Public
Is the project viewable without being in the organzation?
Is Public To Org
Is the project viewable to the organization?
modality?: stringModality
The project modality
Og Image
The datasets opengraph image
Organization Name
The organization nickname
Organization Slug
The organization url-safe slug
Owner Format: uuid
The organization ID that owns this project
Access role of user for this dataset
Project Fields
The list of fields a datum in the project may contain.
Project Name
The name of this project
schema?: stringSchema
An Arrow schema for the project. Binary data encoded as base64.
The project url-safe slug
Total Datums In Project
Total datums in project.
Unique Id Field
The field that contains a unique id for each document.
attributereturns the object's information; this may be undefined
clearPrefer createIndexRaw, which has better syncing of types
This should be preferred over createIndex, as it uses the actual up-to-date types. Note that it is definitely possible to pass a malformed but type-compliant object. (E.g., specifying no embedding field but also specifying a model.)
See types for options.
an AtlasIndex object based on the new arguments.
endpointFetches basic information about the object.
By default, this caches the call; if you want to
bust the cache, pass true
as the first argument.
This immediately.
Whether to refetch the relevant information
A promise that resolves to the organization info.
A list of projection summaries, sorted so that the first is the most useable (defined as ready and newest)
Loads the information associated with the class, removing any existing caches.
a LoadedObject instance of the class that is guaranteed to
have its attr
slot populated with appropriate information.
const loadedProject = await (new AtlasProject(projectId)).withLoadedAttributes()
// OR, in cases where we want to do stuff immediately with the project and ensure
// that later calls there don't double-fetch information.
const project = new AtlasProject(projectId)
// do stuff right away.
const projection = new AtlasProjection(projectionId, {project: project})
const loadedProjection = await projection.withLoadedAttributes()
// do stuff with loadedProjection
An AtlasDataset represents a single mutable dataset in Atlas. It provides an interfaces to upload, update, and delete data, as well as create and delete indices which handle specific views.