Type alias DataSpec

DataSpec: Record<string, never> & ({
    arrow_buffer: Uint8Array;
    arrow_table?: never;
    source_url?: never;
} | {
    arrow_buffer?: never;
    arrow_table?: never;
    source_url: string;
} | {
    arrow_buffer?: never;
    arrow_table: Table;
    source_url?: never;

A DataSpec is a record that describes how to load data into the scatterplot. It can be one of three things:

  1. A URL to a quadtile source.
  2. An Arrow Table object. (Use this with care! Minor differences in JS Apache Arrow builds can cause this to fail in deeply confusing ways.)
  3. A Uint8Array containing a serialized Arrow Table. (This is safer than passing an Arrow Table.)

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