

This library provides a TypeScript client for the Nomic API that allows you to work with datasets and embedding models hosted at atlas.nomic.ai.

Quick Start

Quick start:

import { embed } from '@nomic-ai/atlas';

embed(['so much depends upon', 'a red wheel barrow'], `nk-123456789`).then(
(embeddings) => console.log({ embeddings })

or if your key is already in an environment variable at ATLAS_API_KEY:

import { embed } from '@nomic-ai/atlas';

embed(['glazed with rain water', 'beside the white chickens']).then(
(embeddings) => console.log({ embeddings })

Managing API keys

All operations require a nomic API key linked to your account. To generate an API key, visit https://atlas.nomic.ai/ while logged in to your account and click on the API key tab under the organization.

API key as env variable

Once you have the API key, create a file in project root directory called .env In it, put the following line:


If running in an environment like Vercel or Heroku, you can set the environment variable through the hosting environment.

API key as argument

Alternatively, pass the api key as a param to AtlasUser:

AtlasUser({ apiKey: 'your-api-key' });

Setting the tenant environment

By default, this will access the production version of Atlas. This is probably what you want.

If you are using a custom tenant of Atlas, you will define the following additional variables:



This library is designed to be used in a browser or in Node.js. It is written in TypeScript and compiled to JavaScript.

Since the precise mechanism for calls differs in the browser as opposed to node, all calls are handler by an AtlasUser interface.